Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Friday, October 27, 2006

Information Network
A few days ago, the part of Anna Salai, further down temple towers , towards karumuttu center was lined with beggars. It was kinda odd sight in Anna salai, never seen them there before. Then I noticed a hitherto unnoticed mosque tucked away there amid other official looking buildings, and the day was ID. Made me wonder about the information network of beggars. They are homeless, don’t have calendars or watches, but manage to throng to one place on ID!
Cnn- Ibn had featured a programme on organized begging a few months ago, only the called it "The beggar mafia".

Thursday, October 26, 2006

"In knowing and understanding, too, I feel only my will’s delight in begetting and becoming; and if there be innocence in my knowledge it is because will to begetting is in it.
This will lured me away from God and gods; for what would there be to create if Gods- existed!
But again and again it drives me to mankind, my ardent, creative will; thus it drives the hammer to the stone."
