Sunday, April 27, 2008

Why is “commitment to work” considered a virtue?
A friend says that in today’s world, it is necessary to do more than what is expected of you in order to rise to the top. It is necessary to “exceed expectations” to climb the corporate ladder. The thought that immediately came to my mind was that if I work more than what I’m paid to work for, I will feel like a corporate slave, but that is beside the point. The point here is, having signed the dotted line to deliver the specified services and being in receipt of the remuneration that goes with it, one is expected to get the work done. Some people are complacent in this situation. Others have ideas of where they want to reach within the organization, or in the industry and work towards it, in many cases end up doing more than what is expected of them to reach those goals. Well! Congratulations! But still in all this where and how did ambition or the so called “commitment to work” become a virtue???!!!
People find their inspiration in life from different sources and for some, nowadays many, owing to the general societal mindset, it is their work. Any sociology text book will define “value” with an example- the importance placed by the American society on career success, resulting in “ambition” becoming a value and in today’s globalized world, it is so in India too.